Caz was born on April 6, 2022. He and his littermate, Blackstone, arrived at the International Wolf Center on May 10, 2022. Both are North American gray wolves (Canis lupus), and DNA sampling links them to wolves in the Yellowstone region
Caz’s name comes from a Celtic nickname meaning “watchful one” or “descended from the vigilant,” which initially reflected his personality, particularly regarding food. Caz is keenly aware of who possesses food and how he can strategize to acquire food. Caz weighed 6.7 pounds when we first met him at 35 days old on May 10, 2022. By the time he joined the Exhibit Pack on July 28, he had grown to 45 pounds, and as a yearling, he weighed 92 pounds. What he may lack in size, he makes up in attitude.
Physically, Caz appears broader in the skull and muzzle compared to Blackstone and has a more grayish coat. However, these characteristics may change as both wolves grow since body size and coat color can continue to vary until they reach full maturity between 18 and 24 months. At that point, we anticipate that Caz will weigh over 100 pounds as an adult.
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The International Wolf Center uses science-based education to teach and inspire the world about wolves, their ecology, and the wolf-human relationship.