Rieka was born May 23, 2021 and was brought into the Exhibit Pack space on Aug. 9, 2021. She has a known lineage connection to wolves in British Columbia, Canada. She weighed approximately 23 pounds and was 79 days old, making her the smallest pup to be adopted by non-related adults.
Rieka has a bold personality and even though she was a singleton in 2021, she had the opportunity to socialize with the 2022 litter pups in a way that has helped her grow into a more confident dominant female of the Exhibit Pack. As she approached her second birthday, she weighed approximately 80 – 85 pounds. Wolf weights can fluctuate depending upon the time of the year and the time since their last feeding; After feeding on a deer carcass, wolves can carry five-ten pounds of meat in their system. We expect 80-85 pounds will be Rieka’s adult weight and while smaller in size, this Exhibit Pack member is always excited to see the wolf care team and interacts with all pack members.
For more information on our ambassador wolves, watch extended wolf videos on the International Wolf Center’s YouTube Channel or enjoy a close-up of wolf behavior on our Wolf Watch Cams.
Recent Logs for Rieka
The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wildlands and the human role in their future.