denali – Jun 7, 2013 12:00 AM

Denali is the largest wolf we have ever managed and he is one of the calmest in behavior and interactions. He is most tolerant of any management activity from vaccinations to brushing and he is quite tolerant of the yearling exuberant behavior which sometimes borderlines on obnoxious. We weighed all the wolves this week and Denali weighed in at 130 pounds. Here's a review of his annual weights since he was a yearling. <li> 4/22/2009 Denali 108.03 lbs (YEARLING) <li>4/29/2010 Denali 107.36 lbs <LI>6/5/2011 Denali 124 lbs <li>6/14/2012 Denali 123.5 lbs <li>6/4/2013 Denali 130 lbs <br> The wolves will reach their peak size between 3 and 6 year of age.

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