aidan – Sep 21, 2009 12:00 AM

In preparation for the transition to the new log format, we will be posting a YouTube video on a weekly basis, rather than the 20 second clips linked in the weekly log posting. This format should give a better appreciation for the tone of the pack, rather than the individual wolf. There may be a 1 – 2 day delay in the YouTube video posting after the wolf log postings. The wolf care staff managed to get weights this week, Aidan weighed in at 103 lbs, still below his April weight of 106, but gaining 2 lbs since August. He does get a fair amount of exercise eluding Maya, so he is bound to be slower in weight gain. Otherwise, Aidan continues to get redirected aggression for the dominants, Shadow and Maya that are a bit stressed by the construction noise. The scheduled completion date for the roof project is October 1st. Fortunately, we have had warm weather this month which helps keep them lethargic and out of trouble. In preparation for a fall retirement, we have been using the smaller medical pen next to the lab to let the wolves become familiar with the pen. In the event that Malik needs to be moved into retirement, we want to be able to draw Grizzer and the yearlings into the medical pen, which is farther away from the gate to retirement. Aidan enjoys this pen, and spends several hours a week resting near the lab door.

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