shadow – Sep 7, 2009 12:00 AM

This week's video of Shadow shows the kind of anxiety that external noise creates on a wolf exhibit. His ear postures change rapidly, going from ears perked forward in interest, and ears back in intimidation. It's his job to guard the pack, and with people on the roof, the sound of nail guns, backhoes, ladders, people talking, and the daily visitors to the Center, he's having a hard time of it lately. The construction should be done by October, around the same time the Center moves to weekend public visitation hours. The other factor that is challenging is the heat. While July was one of the coolest months on record, September is starting out very atypical, daily temperatures during late August and early September are in the upper 70's and 80's, with high humidity and limited wind. While wolves can adapt to heat in the summer by staying inactive and panting, as well as shedding their undercoat. The problem at this time of the year is that the wolves have begun growing back their winter undercoat, so heat in September is a problem. October will be a welcome month, construction is done, and hopefully snow will be right around the corner. Shadow's video on that day will be much different.

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