aidan – Sep 7, 2009 12:00 AM

It seems that we write about the same issues for Aidan each week, but they are prominent in his world and continue to be the issue of Maya showing dominance over Aidan. Aidan's adapted quite well, and while we had some holding pen issues with Aidan last week, Saturday night's feeding was calm, with all wolves going into holding. Aidan is very alert to the construction noise, but doesn't show the kind of fear avoidance that is observed in Denali. Aidan wants reassurance that he is part of this pack, and he seeks this from Shadow and Grizzer. While he's been refraining from howling with the pack, due to the tendency of Maya to redirect after a howl, he was observed howling with the pack during the Sunday night "Wolf Howl" program, a high pitched squeaky howl, but a howl just the same. In Aidan's video this week, you'll see him looking for reassurance from Grizzer while Grizzer is pinning Denali, then Aidan decides to sit on Denali, in what the Ethogram codes as a squash.

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