shadow – Jan 21, 2008 12:00 AM

Shadow has had a few moments of testing and anxiety because of Grizzer, but lately, he’s been very confident, social and interactive with the pack. As his video demonstrates, in order to keep Grizzer submissive, he needs to be vocal, and he does this well. At Saturday nights feeding, Shadow and Grizzer were feeding on a beaver together. Of course, it was away from the windows as Shadow doesn’t like a big crowd at the viewing window. Pack cohesiveness is a high priority in captive management and we are very pleased with the social group and look forward to the addition of two pups in the fall. The Nanny positions are extremely critical to raise pups with a strong social structure and an understanding of dominance. Nannies are expected to be viewed as pack leaders to these pups, being calm and assertive in all situations. We owe it to the Exhibit pack that we start these pups on the right track. This is why the Nanny program has prerequisites, it is a challenging task. Applications are still being accepted for the Nanny program, applications can be found on the website. Look for the Programs tab, and then open Wolf Seminars. The Behavioral Observation team, which monitors the pups first week in the pack, does not require prerequisites.

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