aidan – Jun 27, 2008 12:00 AM

Written by nanny team members Lee Williams & Ann Beyer: During these “wolf days of summer, the pups sleep frequently, seemingly recharging for the next round of explosive play and exploration. Aidan is a lot like a light switch. He’s off, laid out and sleeping, or on high, interacting with Denali or getting into (or onto) everything within reach. Right now there’s no low or medium speed. Once up this morning, Aidan was all over the wolf lab, checking for things he could pull off counters or chew. He used his problem-solving skills to manipulate and move objects and tested ways to get high enough to get up to the counter tops. Actually, he acted like he wanted to get onto the counter tops. He even jumped straight up in the air to reach something. Today, when anyone has gone to the fridge, Aidan has been right there ready to grab something. Is he hoping for more bagels like yesterday? In the wolf yard, Aidan and Denali ran, tails wagging excitedly, over to greet a whining Maya. As she paced the fence line, the pups ran back and forth right beside her. After wearing himself out from all the romping and playing, Aidan nonchalantly walked into the lab, plopped down, and went immediately to sleep. The switch is off.

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