aidan – Jun 17, 2008 12:00 AM

The following was written by Team Leader Jill Badyrka: While there are general stages of development, and the pups are now in the Socialization Period, having transitioned from the Transition Period, the uniqueness of each pup’s development is a true wonder to witness. Aiden weighs approximately 2 pounds less than Denali, yet is wiry strong with agility surpassing that of Denali. For example, Aiden is able to easily climb the den box in the lab enclosure, while the larger Denali is still clumsy and not able to jump up and maneuver his large paws. However, in the evening Pup 101 program, Denali displayed more food aggression than Aiden with a stand-over and a squash, and Aiden actually submitted with several submissive paws. This is rather new for Aiden who has been the main aggressor. Today was also the first day in the outside pup enclosure, where they both spent about an hour. Both pups displayed much curiosity and interest while inside, and once brought back out to the wolf yard, returned to the gate of the pup enclosure and tried to paw their way back in.

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