denali – Jun 19, 2008 12:00 AM

The pups are 53 days old today. The following log was written by Team Leader Jill Badyrka.<br> Communication is developing with a constant influx of increased vocalizations. When the Exhibit Pack howled at 1:45 am, and again beginning at 6:25 am for two distinct sessions, both pups woke and joined in. The range of intonations is increasing, as well as the types of vocalizations. The pups are emitting barks, yelps, squeaks, and various combinations of these interspersed with the howls. During Pup 101, for the first time, the pups shared a deer hide from which they both tore and ingested small pieces. While Aiden displays a keener predatory sense, Denali has better mastered his fear avoidance, exhibiting no fear during a Behind the Scenes program by walking up to the public fence and examining the human participants. After two days of not being able to obtain accurate weights with the sling scale, the arrival of the new scale today enabled an easy weigh of 20.2 pounds for Denali.

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