shadow – May 9, 2010 12:00 AM

Discussions have begun about Shadow's retirement. While it is admirable that he is still strong enough to ward off the tests of the younger males, we are concerned that this is taking a toll on his physical strength and endurance. In Shadow's case, we want to be proactive, not reactive, and won't wait until he is deposed. He and Malik turn 10 years of age on May 8th, and at this age, they deserve a quiet environment without the constant testing behavior of wolves looking to move up in rank. Of course, we are only in the planning stages and any movement to retirement will probably be a few months away, but we must consider all aspects, including the impact on the remaining Exhibit Pack, and the staff necessary to provide the transitional needs to the Retired Pack and monitor the behavioral changes to the Exhibit Pack. When the retirement does occur, a detailed plan will be discussed on the Podcasts as well as in the logs.

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