shadow – Mar 12, 2007 12:00 AM

As we’ve stated in earlier logs, Shadow is the object of some of Grizzer’s test, but most of the time, Grizzer focuses on Malik. The intensity is different when it’s Shadow. One thing I notice from the photos posted for Grizzer and Shadow is the Grizzer is not intimidated by Shadow and is willing to look Shadow right in the eye. Direct eye contact is also a sign of dominance, and something worthy of noting. In Shadow’s video this week, you will see Shadow prancing down the hill as he waits for the rest of the pack to come out of the woods. There’s a game of chase going on and while it started by Maya chasing Grizzer, it ended with Malik being followed by Grizzer, Maya and Shadow. For this particular moment, Shadow wasn’t the focus, so he shows the confidence of a high tail and good ear position.

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