grizzer – May 13, 2011 12:00 AM

Grizzer did well with the work crew considering he was at times, surrounded by work crews. We did resort to a dose of valium to take the edge off, and are hoping to get a fence company in soon to get his new habitat ready. Our goal is to have him settled by early June, before the Behind the Scenes programs start. We want to offer as much privacy for him as possible when the wolf yard gets busy. We did resort to a lot of pigs ears for distractions last weekend, and we are always grateful for the donations. We have 2 boxes of pigs ears, so we should be set, but they are Grizzer's favorite distraction. In the photo, you will notice a little white spot on Grizzer's head, he has a very small portion that needs to grow hair. Based on his rate of hair growth, this should be covered by June.

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