grizzer – Mar 18, 2011 12:00 AM

Grizzer has been howling less, and directing his howl towards the Retired Pack more than the Exhibit Pack. He's been resting more often when staff arrive, often laying in the straw bed and only getting up to stretch when they have his meds ready. We are trying a few different distractions for him. One of the staff donated a food ball (formerly used by a Pot bellied Pig), which has an opening to fill it with kibble, as the ball rolls, the kibble is suppose to come out. Grizzer rolled it around a bit when he first received it (this is in the Youtube clip this week), but he lost interest, and hasn't used it much since. We have to be very cautious on any dog toys that are used, we can't have any product that he could chew and consume.

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