denali – Mar 4, 2011 12:00 AM

Denali has been posturing over by Grizzer's enclosure, making Grizzer a bit nervous, but not showing any aggression towards Grizzer. Denali seems more inclined to seek attention from wolf care staff, and his posturing at Grizzer's fenceline may just be an attention seeking maneuver. Behaviorally, we have noticed Denali having some confidence issues (tucking tail and hackles) when Aidan follows him, but overall, they are spending time separately in their own space. We expect this type of separation anxiety from a social pack animal, and in our previous experience, this may go on for weeks. We continue the same daily routine for the aid of giving them some security, but wolf care staff need to be cautious about favoring either one of them, this can start more intense interactions.

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