denali – Jun 6, 2008 12:00 AM

Sorry for the delay in logs, there was an extreme thunderstorm here that knocked out the server for the webcams and caused the lab computers to be in the shut down mode for a while. The pups are active and healthy, and we are in the process of setting up a portable webcam to keep up with them as their time indoors is diminishing. They want to be out and play in the wolf yard. I received an email inquiring about the pups and Lakota. We will not be placing the pups with Lakota, for two reasons: # 1 – they scare here.. she sees them at the gate, and they get nose to nose contact, but when they start to wrestle and growl, she backs off. # 2 – Shadow is very possessive of the pups, as the Nannies have experienced. We have some good cohesive behavior between the pups and the Exhibit Pack, if Shadow or Maya see the pups interacting with Lakota, they may peceive them as hers, and may be less enthusiastic about the introduction. So far, Lakota likes coming to the fence to be part of the action, but she also likes to the freedom to walk back into the Retired enclosure. When the pups are sleeping and in the lab kennel, Lakota gets free reign of the wolf yard, and she sniffs everywhere the pups have been.

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