aidan – Jun 3, 2008 12:00 AM

The pups are doing better in programs, but Attila still has some anxiety. It is important that wolf care staff and nannies help reduce that anxiety by providing a good distraction. The behavioral logs note increased play behavior with more intensity and better coordination. Attila is still the most likely pup to do a stalk and pounce behavior. He does seem to exhibit more predatory behavior than Red Paw, but with the deer tail in the program today, it is clear that Red Paw has some good wolf traits. Attila is still uneasy when in the wolf yard, although some outside play after the 3 pm program made Attila more confident. He spends a fair amount of time sniffing the areas where Lakota walks when she has free time in the wolf yard. The pups both enjoy free time in the lab, but Attila still seeks refuge under the desk.

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