denali – May 29, 2008 12:00 AM

Red Paw is 32 days old today and continues to show good pack association with the Exhibit Pack, and is very relaxed in the public programs. A deer leg was introduced to the program today, to calm Attila, and both pups became very aggressive, trying to possess it. It was a great distraction and they conducted an entire program without becoming intimidated. Other notable behaviors from the logs: <br> Play bow before program out in wolf yard. During program howled and whined. Positive interaction with pack. First digging in soil while waiting for a program. <br> Good play behavior during program. Jaw sparring with Attila. <br> Pups walked into program on their own. <br> Did ride up on Attila. Was content on Shadow's blanket (as a note, we took the curator’s coat and let Shadow rub up against it, and use it for when the pups are anxious). <br>Play bow to Attila and nanny. Head shake and pulling on pheasant. <br> Approached fence to Shadow. Nosing through fence. Played in wolf yard on the way to program. Shadow was at ease. <br > Pups woke in response to adults howling. Did not howl back.

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