aidan – May 26, 2008 12:00 AM

Attila is 29 days old today. While Red Paw’s ears are starting to be more erect, Attila seems a bit behind in the physical development. Attila continues to be the most aggressive pup, growling during wrestling bouts. Attila seems to prefer the bowl feeding and lapping versus bottle. The video footage for today shows Attila’s first food begging behavior, which transgressed into grooming behavior. The audio clip is the sound pups make when lapping from a bowl. Attila is doing very well eating from the bowl, both lapping formula and gruel. The programs are a bit of a struggle for Attila, he gets anxious and whines until the wolf care staff or nannies can find the right combination to make him relax. Sometimes it’s a pillow, wolf hair, stuffed toy or even the staff’s hair as occurred this morning. Overall, the socialization is going well, but with wolf pups, we must always be diligent to avoid negative conditioning.

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