aidan – May 22, 2008 12:00 AM

Attila is 25 days old today. The pups had a busy today with a media event at 4 pm and an open house for Ely residents at 5 pm. Attila was a camera ham… he was running square into the camera lenses with no fear at all. There will be many photos of this wolf in the future. Earlier in the day, after Attila did a head-butt at the gate, the staff let the pups out to explore the lab. Red Paw was very calm and explored every corner of the lab, as it’s a familiar place. In contrast, Attila, who deals with unfamiliar things well, became very nervous and whined. But, when the pups were outside in the grassy area for the media session, Attila had no fear of anything new. It’s interesting to see how the pups process situations differently. During the public program, Grizzer came to the window to watch the pups, and Attila was right there staring back at him, he even put a paw up on the window towards Grizzer. This can be perceived as a dominant paw, toward Grizzer, certainly these males will have some rank order sorting to do, but not until the pups are near 2 years of age. Attila also howls to the Exhibit Pack, and has been pawing at the gate and howling loudly facing the pack. Their ears are still not erect, so directional hearing is questionable.

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