aidan – May 19, 2008 12:00 AM

Attila is 22 days old today and continues to be the bolder pup of the two. In anticipation of the summer pup programs that begin on Thursday, wolf care staff have been taking the pups into the auditorium each evening to get them used to the environment before they meet a crowd of people. So far, Attila is the curious wanderer, ready to take on anything that comes his way. He continues to be more likely to seek out contact than Red Paw. There is one new behavior to report today, both Red Paw and Attila demonstrated a Play Bow, a behavior where they lower themselves on their front legs, and spring up to pounce on something. The stuffed moose has been a source of behavioral stimulation. It’s mere presence has brought out more predatory motor skills such as pouncing, biting, headshaking and grab biting. These behaviors are innate and present themselves when a stimulus is present. We will continue to bring in items that stimulate behaviors. With the growth rate of the pups nearing nearly .5 lbs per day, they need all the rest they can get. In the audio clips this week, you will hear snoring, and moaning when the pups are sleeping in the dream response.

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