aidan – Nov 8, 2012 12:00 AM

I am including observations from the Working for Wolves participants who had the opportunity to spend the night in the observation area adjacent to the wolf viewing windows. The benches may have been a bit hard for a comfortable night sleep, but I hope the chance to observe the pack throughout the night and be awaken by a pack howl was worth it. Observations include the following about the What's for Dinner program. <br> "Luna, Aidan and Boltz enjoyed the deer carcass for What's for Dinner. Denali tried to sneak a few bites but was turned away by a lip curl from Aidan. The pups ate repeatedly, especially Boltz, who feasted for the longest. After they got bored with the deer, they had a nice chase around the enclosure. Denali hung out on top of the den and did not join in on the chase with the others. The chase lasted about 15 minutes until they all dispersed and laid down."

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