luna – Dec 1, 2012 12:00 AM

We did get the results back from Luna’s medical tests. The 24- hour fasting blood draw was done on November 10th and a full blood chemistry as well as vitamin D levels were tested. The vitamin D level of 145 is well within normal range for dogs which is 60-215. This has been a long road getting her to this point. We have been sampling periodically since we discovered her issues and her values have increased from 34 on 5/16 to 78 on 7/18 to 117 on 10/22 and her latest value of 145 on 11/10 tells us that she is able to meet her dietary vitamin D needs through her normal diet. We stopped the daily supplement on October 12th due to some concerns over negative conditioning. We still see an issue with limping when it’s cold or when she’s been at a heightened level of activity. We started her on a one-month treatment of Adequan which is an injectable treatment twice a week to decrease inflammation, reduce painful sensations and improve joint issues. She’s responded well to the first two doses. We weighed Luna this morning and are very pleased with the 73.92 lb weight. She runs so much in this pack that were concerned that she was burning more calories than eating, but she manages to still grow. Aidan's very good about grabbing food and bringing it up on the hill to let Luna eat. Although, if you watched the Youtube video, Luna has no problem defending her own carcasses.

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