grizzer – Nov 8, 2012 12:00 AM

Grizzer was the most anxious about the Working for Wolves crew but he'[s benefiting form the work. Clearing the branches and hazards in this enclosure is important because we also use the front area of Grizzer's enclosure for holding the pups for various circumstances. One such event will happen tomorrow, when we are holding Luna and Boltz for a 24 hour period. We need blood work on Luna with a 24 hour fasting sample. She will be more relaxed in a bigger area, and will be more relaxed with Boltz staying in the holding pen. This means Grizzer will have to stay in the back half of his enclosure for a day, but the stimulus of the pups close by and the fact that staff will be on site all night will give Grizzer a lot of distractions. We did have one observation today of Grizzer and Oscar. The two diverse pack mates were doing their typical jaw spar at the front panel (thank to the WFW crew, great repair job).. Grizzer was rolling over for Oscar, then he sprung up to do an invite chase, looking back at Oscar who was on the other side of the panel. He came back several times and seemed to want Oscar to follow through with a chase. We think it would be risky for Oscar to be in with Grizzer and don't intend to let these two meet without a protective barrier, but it sure seems like Grizzer would like to spend some time with Oscar.

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