shadow – Feb 12, 2010 12:00 AM

Last week, we were very close to retiring Shadow. As posted in the logs, Shadow had been staying in the back of the enclosure, originally, we thought it may be influenced by wild wolf presence, but on Saturday the 6th, Shadow appeared to be very lethargic, and we noticed a few other physical issues that increased our concern. We readjusted his anti-inflammatory dose, and within 2 days, he was back with the pack in a strong social interaction with all pack members. He did seem to spend some time reasserting his dominance over Grizzer, which is quite easy. It took a little more time for Denali to get the message that Shadow was back, but he figured it out. Shadow's photo for this week says it all, "feeling good and glad to be part of the pack". Video of this rolling behavior is on the Youtube video this week.

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