grizzer – Jan 4, 2010 12:00 AM

The weather here has turned cold, with morning temperatures for the last several days ranging from -25 to -30 below zero. Wolf care staff have increased the amount of straw in the enclosure to give the wolves more insulation. Wolves in the wild bed in the snow for insulation, but in captivity, the snow is compacted, leaving it ice cold. Grizzer does have some cold feet issues in cold, which is why he is first to claim one of the straw beds. He's usually found on the slate den, but lately, we placed some straw in the front of the enclosure in the direct sunlight and he spends a fair amount of time there, off camera. He still seems to enjoy Denali's wrestling, and these two are a perfect match for each other, focusing some of Denali's energy.

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