grizzer – Oct 8, 2006 12:00 AM

Grizzer gave the wolf care staff a bit of a scare on Sunday morning. Saturday night the wolves were fed a full deer carcass, as you can see from the Exhibit packs video, they all ate well. On Sunday morning, Donna Prichard came in to do morning meds, and there was no sight of Grizzer. She walked the enclosure perimeter and called, but he didn’t appear, nor would did he come down for meds. Curator, Lori Schmidt came in entered the enclosure with Donna. As Lori walked up the hill, she saw Grizzer’s head pop out of a den hole, looking full, but good. With the ability to eat up to 20% of their body weight, Grizzer was probably just full and there wasn’t enough stimulus in a meatball to disturb him. In this week video, you see Grizzer as the first wolf out of holding going for the deer carcass. Malik is growling at him a keeps Grizzer off, but only for a few seconds.

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