grizzer – Aug 20, 2007 12:00 AM

The cooler weather has increased the wolves activity levels. Grizzer is growing a good winter coat which has increased the appearance of his body size. Just a few short weeks ago, staff was commenting on how skinny he looked, now, he's back to the bulky frame that is very recongizable in winter photos. He hasn't increased in weight, just in winter undercoat that pushes his guard hairs out making him appear larger. Grizzer and Maya continue to socially interact as litter mates, and Grizzer continues to push his dominance as would be expected with a young adult, but overall, the exhibit remains calm and very compatible. This week's video of Grizzer shows him spending time on top of the den. The wolves use of the enclosure tends to be very seasonal. The den is the most likely spot to see the wolves during the winter months, and they are already showing more presence there now.

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