maya – May 21, 2006 12:00 AM

This log written by Working for Wolves Participant: Ann Briem Ever curious, Maya greeted us at the fence upon our arrival for the progam this weekend, that is until Shadow expressed his discomfort with our presence in his space by bark howling. Maya greeted Shadow with muzzle licking which was not well received. Saturday evening, the Ambassador pack was fed six beaver carcasses. Maya displayed great anticipation by jumping several feet at the fence and mouthing the chain-link. Once released back into the enclosure, she sniffed each carcass and seemingly settled on a pile of three on which she scent marked by urinating on them. Her interest in eating seemed to increase only when Grizzer attempted to steal one. The two of them eventually dragged it behind the greeting rock. Sunday morning, Lori released a bucket of minnows into the pond and as I write this, Maya is standing knee high in the pond watching and pawing at the minnows; a well earned treat for putting up with so much activity this week-end.

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