grizzer – Jan 25, 2006 12:00 AM

Grizzer has been active and a bit unpredictable lately. One minute he's mild mannered, enjoying the day, the next he's responding to the hormonal surges that seem to drive him into behavior that appears to lack judgement. Today was one of those days. During Wolf Care, Grizzer decided to do a bit of jaw sparring and ride up behavior towards Shadow, and we had the camera ready. Shadow was less than thrilled with this new side of Grizzer and promptly reminder Grizzer who runs the pack. Of course, Malik saw Shadow a bit occupied and came running with a high tail to see if he had a chance to gain some status. In the end, Shadow spent time reminding the whole pack and the humans associated with wolf care, that he's calling the shots. (check out Shadow's photo this week)…

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