shadow – Feb 6, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow had another good feeding program as well as a successful Behind the Scenes visit. Last Thursday night, Amy Reisdorf and Jason and Melissa Kendrick participated in a Wolf Watch program. This program is offered several times throughout the year, where participants come to the Center, receive background information and training in captive wolf management and wolf behavior, then spend a few hours recording data on the wolves behavior. They finish off the evening by spending the night (some sleeping) in the auditorium, overlooking the wolf enclosure observation windows. In the morning, after a continental breakfast, they come outdoors for a Behind the Scenes tour and a discussion of what they observed the night before. Shadow normally bark howls during these Behind the Scenes visits, but for whatever reason, Shadow was very excepting of the most recent Wolf Watchers. He's also been showing a fair amount of bonding behavior with Maya, as this week's photo indicates.

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