shadow – Oct 15, 2000 12:00 AM

Shadow seems to be more successful in dominance sessions and Malik seems to be on the receiving end more often. Data from the new logs shows a 4 to 1 chance that Shadow will be on top in a dominance display. This will continue to be monitored throughout the winter. Although Lakota still gets mobbed by Mackenzie and Lucas, it appears that Malik is also on the receiving end of more chase scenes this week than last week. These interactions may even require Lakota or Malik to take refuge in the den to attempt to jaw spar with the pack. The chase scenes usually last less than 5 minutes before the pack is off chasing a squirrel or finding a deer hide to play with, but the addition of the pups was bound to change the dynamics of the Center's pack of three. It's always important to remember that wolf behavior is motivated by instincts that were selected for life in the wild. One of the most important behaviors to wolf pack dynamics is the social dominance hierarchy. These behaviors are alive and well in captivity and should be recognized by those who monitor their behavior. Jen Westlund and Kim Klosterman weighed the pups while they were in the holding area for the pups feeding on October 6th. The pups weighed 62 lbs. and were a handful to weigh. Weight data may continue, but it may be dependent upon the tenacity of the wolf care staff.

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