lakota – Dec 18, 2000 12:00 AM

Lori Schmidt (LS) entered wolf enclosure and isolated Lakota in a small holding pen for further examination of area described as wet spot. LS discovered a 1" bite wound matted with blood and hair (the wet spot was where she had been licking the wound). The wound was tender to the touch and resulted in Lakota growling, barring of teeth and two short barks while being examined. After several attempts, LS was able to clean the wound with Novasan and apply a topical antibiotic. Lakota was very hesitant when LS examined Lakota for additional bite wounds especially when examining Lakota's hind quarters, but no further signs of injuries were noted. When LS released Lakota from the holding pen, Shadow quickly entered and immediately grabbed at Lakota's wound, Lakota guarded herself with tucked tail. Shadow then drove Lakota out of holding pen and chased her to the den. No other wolves investigated the wound, nor followed Shadow in the chase to the den. Dr. Chip Hanson, the Wolf Center Veterinarian, was contacted and Lakota's condition and treatment were discussed. There was also a discussion concerning the possible cause of this bite wound. It appears that Shadow is becoming far more intense in his climb for rank order and he has become more aggressive in mobbing Lakota as the omega of the pack. This is natural wolf behavior that ensures their survival in the wild, but make wolves in captivity a challenge."

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