shadow – Aug 28, 2000 12:00 AM

The isolation of pups in small holding kennel for daily feedings has been successful. The pups are becoming conditioned to the routine and run to the gate when a handler approaches the kennel. The adult wolves attempt to enter the kennel with the pups, but fortunately, the pups are small enough where they can squeeze under a 1/2 opened gate and the adults can't. The hope is that the time the pups become too big to fit under a half open door, the adults will be familiar with the routine of pups-only isolation. There have been no negative affects associated with the pups removal and subsequent return to the main enclosure. Feeding and socialization time for the pups can last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour with no significant interaction from the adults. During these first few weeks of the introduction, Malik seems most interested in returning to the pack, whereas Shadow would rather stay with the human handlers in the holding pen. Pup food consumption ranges from 1-2 lbs. of meat per feeding and the pups are fed twice a day. Malik and Shadow eat equally as well and food is split into two bowls to ensure sufficient amount for both.

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