shadow – May 25, 2009 12:00 AM

Written by Workin' for Wolves participant Andi Nelsen: During this weekend's working for wolves program, participants did some final preparation for the retired pen in anticipation of Shadow and Malik's eventual retirement. Sound barriers were placed on the far back fence, trees were planted, the bottom of the pond was treated with a compound to prevent slipping, and a visual barrier was placed on the top line of the fence. Despite all the noise and activity Shadow only started to bark howl once, showing less stress about the strangers in his yard than on previous programs. Since the construction has started in the main building and the entrance was moved closer to the wolf pen, Shadow has been showing his protective nature by monitoring the activities near the new entryway. He spent a bit of time observing the working for wolves workers, but soon was back guarding the main entrance. He continues to be very tolerant of the yearlings, often engaging in play behaviors as observed in the photo, and giving reassurance to both Aiden and Denali. He seems to enjoy the interaction while still maintaining lead status of the pack. As is often the case with Shadow, he made a very limited appearance at the Saturday night feeding, instead preferring to watch from back in the enclosure. On Sunday morning there was little evidence of Saturday night's deer; all wolves appeared sated and very relaxed.

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