denali – Nov 27, 2010 12:00 AM

Last Saturday, we made the decision to immobilize Grizzer, stitch up the bite wounds and give him a few days of rest from Denali. It was critical that Grizzer was back in the pack ASAP if he was going to maintain his status as the dominant male. In the short time between Grizzer being held and the immobilization drugs taking effect, Denali was walking around in high tail and posturing to Maya with a lot of RLU's. Once Grizzer was in the lab under sedation, we placed Denali in the pack holding area and kept him there for the weekend. Denali did extremely well in holding, and showed a submissive posture towards Grizzer when they were reunited the following Monday. Unfortunately, Maya and Aidan had some dominance issues that sparked tension between Grizzer and Denali, but within a 30 minute period, we had the pack together. Denali is showing less testing and is down in front with the pack with a social tail wag and whining. Grizzer still chases and postures, but the energy level is much calmer than last week.

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