aidan – Oct 8, 2010 12:00 AM

The following observation was written by Wolf Watch participant Cameron Feaster. <br> Aidan still remains at the edge of all the activity. When Grizzer is chasing Denali or othewise dominating him, you'll often find Aidan scraping at or stomping the ground just out of reach. He continues to give Maya plenty of foreleg stabs, but Maya is ignoring him more and more as time goes on. During our observations, we found Maya fully submitting to Aidan, who performed some playbows and foreleg stabs in response. Eventually Aidan lost interest. <br> The following was observed by Wolf Care Staff member, Laurie Feela:<br> Aidan wanted to go into the pond and tripped when he was looking to see where Maya was, he went in and just stood there for a few minutes. Then Maya came over and blocked him from getting out. He finally managed to get out and ran, but then he shook himself off and kept going after her to play. He did several playbows and jabbed her a few times. She didn't know what to think and ended up walking away. Since he wasn't running from her she wasn't sure what to do.

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