aidan – Apr 20, 2009 12:00 AM

With spring arriving and temperatures in the 60’s the snow is melting quickly. The enclosure has residual straw beds that have solid layers of ice, creating the waiting period before we can rake and remove straw. The warmer weather has made the wolves less active during the day. Maya is calming, which makes Aidan more relaxed. He is greeting more with staff and spending some quality time interacting. We still notice his response to anxiety turns predatory. Even with the most experienced staff, he grab-bites when there’s too much commotion in the enclosure. He quickly calms if staff face him and bend over to greet and do a chest scratch. The pups will be one year old on Monday, April 27th, it doesn’t seem that long ago that we brought these amazing pups into the lab, it has been a learning experience watching them grow into yearlings. Aidan has formed some very strong bonds with his fellow pack mates.

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