shadow – Jul 6, 2012 12:00 AM

Shadow has very little tolerance for fly ointment application. We have tried every way to sneak it on his ears, but he smells the ointment and avoids us. This is not the best scenario because at this age, we need to physically check him on a daily basis. We've come to a solution that seems to work (other than hoping for cold and snow, which would also work). We spray cedar oil in and around the den, which does wonders for keeping the den relatively fly proof (considering it has a 5 foot wide opening). We also spray a pet safe fly repellent on a birch stump and the wolves scent roll, getting repellent on the top of the head. This is not as good as using ointment on the tips of their ears, but it keeps the flies of their head, which is a great help. This is obviously the better choice than having Shadow avoid us and this serves as a good reminder that we need to condition Boltz and Luna to fly issues.

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