maya – Nov 1, 2006 12:00 AM

This week’s logs are written by “Workin’ for Wolves program participants Kim Wheeler, Theresa Williams and Ann Briem Maya seemed relaxed during the Workin’ for Wolves weekend, staying in the woods or laying on the hilltop watching. However, she displayed a fear response to entering the holding area at feeding time Saturday evening. While this has been an issue over the last couple of weeks, the work done within the holding pen may have been a contributing factor. This week’s video shows Maya gnawing on bones from a deer carcass. As you watch the video, notice the strength in her jaws as she crunches through bone. At this week’s “What’s for Dinner program, Maya cached food rather than eating immediately. This morning during wolf care Maya waited to be approached rather than approaching wolf care staff. Of the four wolves in the pack, she seeks human interaction the least. Maya had possession of a bone from last night’s feeding, carrying it around the enclosure. When Maya laid the bone down, Grizzer picked it up. Maya confronted Grizzer, took the bone and gave it to Shadow; an action indicative of her social tie to Shadow. The “Workin’ for Wolves volunteers here both last October and this October found that Maya’s body structure has filled out considerably during that time.

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