aidan – Feb 2, 2009 12:00 AM

When we do wolf care in the morning, we never know what we will find. Overnight activities can include dominance, social behavior, facility issues, and pups up to their usual active antics. Last Sunday was one of those days. When wolf care staff came in for the morning check and delivery of meds, Grizzer had a tear to his ear and some significant blood loss. The first thought would be aggression, but as staff entered the enclosure to check out the wound, the wolves were very calm. After viewing footage of the wolves normal patterns of activity, it does appear that the pups, and specifically Aidan is still actively using Grizzer to practice dominance, and Grizzer is allowing it. Grizzer's ear may have been a tug from a pup in one of the many wrestling sessions involving these three wolves. Of course, Aidan is still getting the brunt of Maya's winter time dominance, and while he takes it in stride, he has increased his threat displays and is very aware of her ever watching eye.

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