shadow – Jan 19, 2009 12:00 AM

The wolves did well with the recent cold snap last week. Wolf care faced temperatures of – 39 below on 2 mornings, – 32 below on one morning and a warm spell of – 26 below and Friday's balmy – 16 below… The wolf care staff are here 7 days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that the wolves have the best care possible. I recently received an email asking if the arctics are more adapted to the cold, and deal with it better. The reality is, all of these wolves are built for cold, but the ability to deal with extreme cold has more to do with age. The pups don't even notice, and the arctics, going on 9 years of age, long for the straw beds. Shadow is doing quite well despite the cold, and he continues to be the calming influence of this pack. He also continues to test some of the newest handlers, reminding all of us that even though we socialize the wolves at a young age, they decide who gets to be their social companion.

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