maya – Jan 19, 2009 12:00 AM

The wolves did well with the recent cold snap last week. Wolf care faced temperatures of – 39 below on 2 mornings, – 32 below on one morning and a warm spell of – 26 below and Friday's balmy – 16 below… The wolf care staff are here 7 days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that the wolves have the best care possible. Maya has really taken to one of our new level I handlers, Tara Johnson. It is always good to see a wolf excited about the wolf care staff, and Maya was one of those who would greet, but never spend too much time with staff. When Tara arrives, Maya can't get enough of her and this has created a more positive situation for Aidan. Maya still has her moments, when out of the blue she lunges at Aidan barring her teeth, but they are less frequent and seem to be tied to the excitement of the pack when they do a rally howl. Each wolf has a different relationship with each handler, and the most successful way that wolf care works is by having a variety of people deliver the care. A big thanks to the wolf care staff that brave these sub zero temperatures to make sure the wolves are well.

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