grizzer – Jan 5, 2009 12:00 AM

Grizzer is getting more assertive with Malik. One issue we have lately is that Malik doesn't want to go into holding with the pack. This leaves him out in the main enclosure while work is being done, and a target for dominance when the rest of the pack is brought back into the exhibit. Most of this is initiated by Grizzer, but the pups follow Grizzer and that puts Malik on the offensive. Even a separation for a short period of time will result in the wolves attempting to reestablish rank order. In an effort to reduce this issue, protocol will include treats being scattered throughout the exhibit before the pack is let out. The hope is the distractions will reduce the focus on Malik. We can't force Malik to go into holding, if it continues to be an issue, then protocol will change to reduce the holding time for the pack until we get through the peak of the hormonal season.

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