denali – Dec 22, 2008 12:00 AM

Denali is a very active pup that constantly seeks attention and interaction from staff. He certainly reminds staff of Grizzer at that age. The pups do spend a fair amount of time wrestling, and Denali is usually squashing Aidan (an ethogram term when one wolf sits on another). Denali has been a bit jumpy on staff, but with proper handling procedures, he is quick to stop. Most of his behavior is an effort to get attention, and staff need to be very skilled at interpreting behavior when working with the dynamics of 6 wolves. To stimulate the pack, we did two enclosure enrichments last week, one was scent based that resulted in scent rolling behavior, the other was food based that stimulated the wolves to search and find treats. A YouTube video showing both enclosure enrichment activities will be posted.

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