grizzer – Dec 29, 2008 12:00 AM

Grizzer's face scar is healing, but the tensions continue between he and Malik. When the pups start wrestling with Grizzer, Malik comes in for a few grab bites, which Grizzer tolerates to a point. When Grizzer has had enough, he charges after Malik and initiates a chase. These chases usually end up with Grizzer following Malik around the greeting rock. This may go on for about 5 minutes, before they both get tired and settle down. The interesting response is how the pups react to Grizzer when this occurs. They seem to know when they can wrestle with him, and when it's best to just stay out of the way. Usually, after a chase scene, the pups come back to Grizzer and lick him intently while he is resting.

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