shadow – Nov 24, 2008 12:00 AM

Shadow, Grizzer and Maya were all at the gate when I moved them toward the Retired Enclosure, and Shadow actively dominated the pups, especially Aidan who was actively seeking acceptance. This is reassuring to the pups that the dominant male shows them that they are accepted in the pack, and what their role is. Once the pups felt assured that they were still pack members (mainly Aidan), Shadow spent time investigating the Retired Enclosure. When moving the pack back into the Exhibit, Shadow didn’t want to leave. This bodes well for his inevitable retirement, to know that he is so comfortable, although as you watch the video, this wolf is still confident. One other indication that the pups were well accepted was Shadow’s calm demeanor as he watched from on top of the den guarding his deer leg. He has the look of all being well in his pack, despite Maya’s short outbursts of dominance.

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