shadow – Oct 27, 2008 12:00 AM

Shadow continues to show very strong leadership traits, tolerant of the pups and watchful of all of the activity. It is always interesting to watch each individual wolf’s responses towards Shadow. Maya spends time grooming him, the pups do a soft muzzle bite and food beg from him, and Grizzer always attempts to get under his chin and submit, sometimes falling down in front of Shadow. Malik uses Shadow as protection, since there is rarely intense dominance between these two littermates. The most notable log issues are Shadow’s continued resting position towards the parking lot when we are open to the public. The Center entrance is under construction, so the visitor’s now enter through the office door. Shadow is still adjusting to this, and on the days when we are open, will spend the whole day lying on top of the hill watching the back door. We purchased some new bamboo fencing and are hoping that a greater visual barrier may make him more relaxed.

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