denali – Oct 27, 2008 12:00 AM

The pups are 6 months old today. We didn't get a weight on them since we woke up to 2 inches of snow and ice on the ground and the scale needs a clean, level place for the legs. We will not likely weigh them again until spring. So, the update for the week relates to the stimulus provided to the pack.<br> Denali has become quite aggressive with food possessions. He is not as likely to be dominated by the pack either, which may be giving him more confidence. In this week’s video clip, you will see Denali do a slightly harder muzzle bite on Shadow as Shadow approaches the bison head. Of course, Shadow is extremely tolerant of the pups when they respond this way. Denali has no problem taking on Grizzer over food, in fact; he’s probably modeling Grizzer’s behavior. Denali managed to get an entire bison leg away from Maya, not an easy feat.

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