lakota – Sep 1, 2008 12:00 AM

As we've said in previous logs, Lakota has free range of the wolf yard when the staff is in the lab. After the fall season, when the lab is no longer staffed 24 hours a day, wolf care staff will be rotating shifts so Lakota gets to interact during the morning wolf checks, in the middle of the day and every evening. Even though she is 15, she is still a wolf, and needs to be monitored at all times. She enjoys laying in the shade near the main pack and spending time in the pack holding area. Web cam viewers will begin to notice enclosure improvement projects in the Retired Pack. Projects include a new pond, an insulated den, an increse to the enclosure size and additional trees. This will be completed over a series of work projects in the next 2 months, at a slow pace to allow Lakota time to adjust to the change. So far, she is always excited to return to the Enclosure after people have been working.

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